• Pile Driving New York / J.C. Contracting

    Pile Dri­ving New York /​J.C. Contracting

  • Pile Driving Services

    Pile Dri­ving Services

  • Foundation Excavating Contractor

    Foun­da­tion Exca­vat­ing Contractor

  • Professional Team Professional Work

    Pro­fes­sional Team Pro­fes­sional Work

  • Insured & Licensed

    Insured & Licensed

Pro­fes­sional Pile Dri­ving Con­trac­tor of New York /​NY Pile by JC Contracting

Foun­da­tion exca­va­tion & demo­li­tion, util­ity exca­va­tion and road­way prep, J.C. Con­tract­ing has the equip­ment and expe­ri­ence to get your site out of the ground and under­way. We han­dle all types of res­i­den­tial foun­da­tions and com­mer­cial plots. We can per­form all phases of site preparation.

From clear­ing trees and exca­vat­ing a foun­da­tion in a wooded lot to the com­plex com­mer­cial build­ing exten­sion exca­va­tion which involves shoring and brac­ing of the soil and sup­port of adja­cent util­i­ties, we have the expe­ri­ence, tool­ing, and equip­ment to get the job done in a safe and effec­tive manner.

JC Con­tract­ing Corporation

JC Con­tract­ing Cor­po­ra­tion is a fam­ily owned com­pany estab­lished in 1983. We spe­cial­ize in pile dri­ving, heli­cal piles, demo­li­tion, exca­va­tion and wood, sheet, steel pil­ing. We work smart, safe and hard to make this pil­ing com­pany suc­cess­ful in New York. We are pro­fes­sional pil­ing com­pany serv­ing New York City.

BIC Num­ber 967

Con­tact Us Today !

  • 266 Seigel Street
    Brook­lyn, NY 11206
  • sean@​nypile.​com
  • 7184170400
  • Office Hours
    Mon – Sat: 8:00AM8:00PM